When you think about it, people go to a sommelier for the expertise. The value. The consultancy. Yes, many sommeliers already work for a restaurant or even a winery, but when you consider the fact that a sommelier’s like an advisor (for wine), you’re talking about a brand. And every brand needs to be on every piece of equipment — hence, a custom printed decanter.
A Sommelier IS Its Own Brand — Let Any Sommelier
Try and Tell You Otherwise
After all, why would anyone listen to a sommelier if it isn’t evident that the sommelier knows what he or she is talking about? The benefit of having a custom printed decanter branded in your name, as a sommelier, means instant value marketing. People see you are who you say you are.
And it gets even better if others are using the same decanters — that happen to be logo printed with your name on it. You seeing the writing on the wall, yet? This is big marketing business, for sure.
Of course, chances are if you’re a sommelier working at a restaurant, you’re going to be using a custom printed decanter with the name of the restaurant on it. But like any other smart sommelier worth his/her money in wine loving and science, the professional will no doubt make that much more revenue hosting wine parties, wine tastings, wine classes, and the like.
Heck, a sommelier might even develop his/her own wine product. Then sell it. And make a whole lot more money. But one thing’s for sure:
You’ll Need a Custom Printed Decanter to Make a Name for Yourself
And here’s how you get one: go to BRAVA Marketing (of course, you’re already there if you’re reading this) and check out the many selections and designs we have in custom branded decanters. Find a style you like? Simply contact us right away! We’ll get you going on the brand you love. The brand you also love to taste.