BRAVA Marketing Blog

Why Candy Shops Have Total Convenience in Promotional Chocolate Products

We’re sure candy shops know just how crazy the business gets. You get logistics, production, manufacturing, branding, stocking, you name it. Setting all of that up can be a massive headache especially when you also face quality control problems, transportation issues, customer complaints, inventory control hiccups, and much more. And to make it worse, that bogs down all your other aspects of the business, like advertising and marketing. What can a candy shop do?? Golden tickets? Even better. Give your customers what they already love: promotional chocolate gifts.

When You Think About Promotional Chocolate, That’s the Biggest Draw to Getting More of Your Customers in the Door — and Keeping Them Coming Back for More

Readymade. And branded. In YOUR NAME. You can see the draw pretty easily. The point is getting them to want more by giving them what they already like. That’s entirely the point, a very simply method, of getting them in the door. It then becomes a major arbitrage model where each promotional chocolate gift and the cost behind it gets recouped thanks to whatever your customer ends up buying in the store.

It’s, essentially, its own money maker.

Aside from the fact that you’re looking at readymade chocolates (your own company didn’t even make them!), you’re also getting real branded products as well: M&Ms, Reese’s, Godiva, and so much more. Packaged in your brand name.

You can see the immediate value.

With enough strategy behind this type of promotional model, the arbitrage could net you easily double the revenue for the cost. Set up your campaigns, offer that free promotional chocolate as a gift — and watch them come in to your store — just to buy more!

All You Need to Do Is Sign Up for BRAVA Marketing Right Now

BRAVA Marketing has it all. The selections are right here. When you find what you’re looking for, moving forward is as simple as contacting us immediately! Pretty sweet, right?

How School Fundraisers Can Up the Excitement With Logo Branded Play Money

Any fundraiser knows this — it’s about the thanks. The appreciation. The love. The joy of giving. Whether you’re a church or school, it’s all about making people feel excited about giving and showing them all that you appreciate what they do for the cause you uphold. So what do you do? You offer gifts. Stick with me on this one: there’s NO BETTER GIFT than offering logo branded play money!

You’re Laughing for Good Reason, Because on the logo branded play money-1Surface Logo Branded Play Money’s Almost Like a Joke

The truth is that’s your secret weapon, because of the value you give it. People love value even more than gifts! And because you can stock up on your own logo branded play money through BRAVA Marketing at an efficient cost, setting up a way for givers’ access to all sorts of gifts or prizes based on their promotional bucks makes for a great way to get them even more thankful for what they’ve done.

Think of schools and what they can do with that. Food drives. People who give food get logo branded play money that can go toward real ways for them to feel more than thankful for what they’ve done: gift cards, prepaid cards, date nights, books, and so much more. Churches can actually pay volunteers (oxymoron, we know) with that logo branded play money, and that can go to something that’ll allow those volunteers to feel like what they do…MATTERS.

The Value Is Obvious Especially Since the Honor’s Already There in Giving….

And you’re just making that much more…. All it takes is a THANK YOU. And that’s the best kind of THANK YOU you could ever give. So what do you need to do? Check out BRAVA Marketing right now, look at the selections we have. Pick one you like. All you need to do is contact us if you have any questions. Before you know it, your fundraiser will not only succeed — but those backing you will not only feel like they’ve made a difference, they’ll know that they ARE the difference.

How Casinos Can Kill It Even More With Custom-Printed Play Money

We get it: casinos already make bank. But just go with us on this — the fact that everything is already going right for Vegas and Atlantic City, and other casinos all over the country, should be the clue that you’ve got a wealth of a world of possibilities to not only make it even more fun for your guests — but even more profitable for you. Think about custom printed play money for a little bit…

Now Add the Idea of Custom Printed Play Money AND Chippendales??custom printed play money-1

Imagine the onslaught. The insanity. The women tossing custom printed play money! And you get the picture.

The idea is that you’re giving your customers another avenue of spending that makes them feel good.

You can do this for magic shows, concerts, musicals, and much more. As the play money is so customizable, you’ve got no limit, not even the sky.

Set up promotions for shows, all kinds of shows, with that printed money as a focal point, make it a way to earn prizes after spending X amount of play dollars, have your guests turn them in for more chips. Keep them playing the slots, the tables, and much, much more.

The possibilities are pretty endless. All it takes is the creativity, and the industry fits beautifully! Go above and beyond the standard: you offer the chips, they buy. They win or lose. All you need to do is make them win more while winning on your own!

The Only Thing You Need to Do Is Just Sign Up for BRAVA Marketing

BRAVA Marketing has all the options for you in one page. Pretty convenient. All the chips are on the table, and you better believe you have all the possibilities you need right here. Once you’ve got a look that fits your style, guess what: you just have to contact us! Do that, and the jackpot’s all yours.

Restaurant Delivery Services Benefit A LOT From Those Branded Magnetic Holders

Surprisingly, restaurants often don’t consider this really easy marketing benefit, not just for businesses, but homes, too. The typical tactic is to print take-home menus that can easily be sent home with a customer just in case they want delivery. Restaurants still to this day make quite the killing, with some of their revenue generated directly from those types of customers. What they need to realize is that they have to have those marketing items right in clear sight. Just like how some businesses would. That’s why branded magnetic holders make such a dent.

Businesses and Households Will LIKE Those Branded Magnetic Holders on Their Fridges, or Even Their Whiteboards.

When it’s seen every day in passing by family member or coworker, that’s instant marketing. How can you not see that as a value? Even better is that a magnetic holder can place a take-home menu right flat on that whiteboard or fridge without a problem, and you’ve got amazing turnkey decision-making for your customer, a fast solution to getting dinner taken care of.

The only thing that is missing from that mission is to know where to get those kinds of magnetic holders logo printed and customized to your liking! At an inexpensive price, no less. So here’s the deal, and pay close attention:

Why not get it from BRAVA Marketing? Makes sense. When you check out all the selections we have on the site, with the incredibly diverse designs you can possibly have, you know you then have a wealth of creative possibilities to market your brand name, product and service that’ll more than pay for itself in spades.

After All, One of the Biggest Revenue Sources for Success Restaurants Could EVER Have…Is Retention

You want those customers to keep coming back. Plain and simple. Now if the food, atmosphere and service is already great, then you’ve got that squared away — for customers dining in. But don’t discount and leave behind the winning revenue channel. Deliveries. Keep them coming back for more with custom magnetic holders. Contact us right now to get your first delivery!