Category Archives: Employee Recognition

Why Nascar Racing Team Sponsors Should Give Auto Tool Kits as Gifts

Have you ever changed four tires in 50 seconds flat? No. We haven’t either. So it doesn’t take an auto mechanic or a rocket scientist to know that all those Nascar racing teams out there — including the driver — deserve a little praise for what they do! The thing is if you are a sponsor for a particular car, driver, and team, you want to be sure you’re appreciating them for what they do.

After All…. If They Win, It’s All Good for You!auto tool kits

It’s good business tact to keep the entire team motivated and pumped up. Be the team’s cheerleader, in fact! Your driver will definitely need it. You don’t find any of those cheerleaders during Nascar races, do you? (Only in football and other sports).

The point of making it a goal to brand yourself as a sponsor — whatever company or brand you are — by dedicating yourself to this particular market via promotional items like auto tool kits makes you quite the hot commodity in the industry. Imagine just about every driver, crewman, and trainer wanting to seek you out as a sponsor.

There’s reputation behind you. The crowd ends up loving you more. They see your brand on the car racing past the finish line. And the crew celebrates, because they know they’re appreciated for what they do. That’s what custom branded auto tool kits could potentially do for the entire team during the next Nascar event.

But Don’t Take BRAVA Marketing’s Word for It

Just check out the site for yourself. See the selections. The variety of gifts are aplenty, and you’re not in doubt in having the best possible chance for supercharging your driver’s drive to zip past the competition and win the race. Motivation. Pride. Glory.

So contact BRAVA Marketing right now. And start your engines.

Why Your Auto Mechanic Employees Deserve the Best Branded Auto Tool Kits

Lots of grease, bad knees, a ton of sweat — and sometimes even a lack of appreciation from customers. What can you do as the owner of a body shop? You show some appreciation for your workers. And there’s no better way to do that than to always award — sometimes randomly, other times at parties, or both — the best branded auto tool kits you’d ever find at BRAVA Marketing.

Why, You Ask, Would Branded Auto Tool Kits Be the auto tool kitsBest Gifts to Give, Though?

Aside from the fact that you may have auto mechanics supporting families and can save a buck or two by doing the repairs on their own vehicles, the fact is this: 9 times out of 10, you have to imagine that those hard-working auto mechanics would have the most souped-up vehicles and also love maintaining them.

So giving them auto tool kits as awards or gifts would make them feel like kids in a candy store. Imagine the glory in picking up their own wrench, branded in your company name. You can’t buy that kind of love your employees would give you for offering such nice gifts.

The ultimate result then is employee morale. Unbridled loyalty. Total appreciation. Appreciation for the work they do in your shop. There’s no better way to promote excellence on the job.

But That’s Not All…. You Can Get Those Custom Auto Tool Kits for Your Own Business, Too

You don’t even need to stop there — supply your business with just that: custom auto tool kits for use on the shop. Customers will see them. And customers will see that you’re a professional.

Talk about killing those two birds with one stone. So what are you waiting for? View our website right now. Contact us today and also browse the many selections we have.

Here’s a Promotional Gift Worthwhile for Your Car Dealership Salespeople

A lot of work goes into selling those cars, don’t you think? And if it wasn’t for those salespeople you have on staff, there’s be no business at all. That’s why employee recognition with a promotional gift always does the trick. The question is this: how do you do it?

What Kind of Promotional Gift Would Work Well? Flowers? Candy? DVDs? A Gift Card?

Honestly…. None of the above!promotional gift - auto tool kit

Step back for a moment and realize that you’re dealing with a particular industry and a type of person who you can only assume loves exactly what he/she sells: cars. BEAUTIFUL cars, mind you. If your salespeople don’t love selling those cars, those aren’t the salespeople you want on staff. Period.

You can imagine the joy and the glee in your top salespeople when they see the promotional gift or award happens to be — you guessed it — a branded auto tool kit! Makes perfect sense. What’s awesome is you don’t have to stop there with these types of branded promotional items, because they can be fantastic for everything from business functions to THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK gifts during Christmas.

And the best part?

BRAVA Marketing Has the Best Selection of Styles for Auto Tool Kits

All you need to do is check us out right now. Contact us. Look at all the options we have. And then you decide. What would your employees want as part of their repertoire for repairing cars? The great thing is if they landed a sweet deal already for being an employee, they have just everything they need to make sure their investment’s well maintained.

You can’t buy employee morale and loyalty like that when they received all of that — just for being employed by you, and doing a fantastic job selling those cars to the public.

Why a Swimming Instructor Will Benefit From Branded Ear Plugs

You know it’s a hard job teaching anyone on how to do anything for a lengthy period of time: piano lessons, strength training, math (definitely)…and, of course, swimming. And that’s a profession that is of the most intense given the level of professionalism and safety precaution. Thankfully, you can expect to not see a whole lot of competition in the field. But just in case…. You have a winning gift to give for this market — on both the customer level, and employee level!

Word of Mouth Is HUGE When It Comes to Swimming Instruction, and Branded Ear Plugs Can Go a Long Way

Imagine at the end of an entire summer session giving out these really cool corded earplugs as a THANK YOU gift, branded with your label, reminding both student and branded ear plugsparent/guardian that you are the standard in swim instruction.  That’s the feeling, worth every penny, and ensuring your reputation carries on to the next class — and the next class.

In a nutshell, you ensure you keep your student base strong with the little steps you take in proving that you’re a professional. Moreover, let’s just say you have swim instructors as your employees, and you want to enhance their professional image as well. For longevity and a promotional brand gift that lasts, this spreads the reputation throughout your entire regime and never gets old.

Essentially Your Students Will See That Your Instructors Mean Business. Plain and Simple.

And when they mean business, they exude authority. They’ve got the brand on them. And a double whammy when at the end of the class, the students get the exact same gifts as a THANK YOU. A feeling of accomplishment. Pride. Loyalty. That’s branding at its best.

Who knew something as little and almost insignificant as branded ear plugs could make any bit of difference to your business? The fact is you’ll never know until you put yourself out there. So check us out at BRAVA Marketing. We have a variety of options of ear plugs to work with. Contact us today when you’ve decided to up that professionalism in your swim instructing game!